That Weird Hour After Work- Before Life

4 min readApr 9, 2021

Welcome to the world of sporadic randomness

The commute home takes roughly an hour on a good day. As an ordinary person who earns a little above minimum wage and slowly on the verge of developing a drinking habit (so I’ve been told), this is the hour I have after mindless slogging and just before reaching home to more mindless housekeeping.

Sound familiar? If it does — can we be friends?

In the past, having been brainwashed by what I’ve previously read on medium to constantly stay productive, I tuned in to podcasts teaching me about financial advice before it obviously became anxiety inducing because I constantly felt like I wasn’t doing enough to stay ahead of the game. What game? Who knows? Does anyone know what they are doing anyway? After months of switching back and forth between podcasts on financial advice, mental health, staying healthy — I realized that maybe, just maybe I really just don’t give a fuck about what these people have to say?

Again, if this is you — can we be friends?

Fast forward to 2 years later, I am now perfectly contented with doing absolutely nothing in that hour. I see your staying productive article and I raise you my no fucks given. Its a dangerous place to be, isn’t it? Being contented with spending your time the way you want to? Lately, I’ve just been indulging my thoughts and everyday I stretch it a little more everyday. Here’s 20 random thoughts that I’ve collected in the span of one month:

  1. Great, I’m covered in fur again. Where does one buy a lint roller? Why can’t they just make clothes that doesn’t hold fur? Why is Teddy (my dog) shedding so much anyway? Should I change his food, maybe, I need to recheck the ingredient list on his food label when I get home.
  2. Yoga or gym today? Ugh, I don’t even care, whatever that gets the job done.
  3. Why hasn’t my boyfriend texted all day? Super sus.
  4. Will Tom Holland find success outside of the Marvel franchise? The devil all the time and cherry were both quite good, not too sure about his other choices though.
  5. (Creepily smells a stranger) Damn, that perfume though! Shall I ask her? No, if you ask her she’ll know you smelt her. Don’t be a creep. But I really need to know! Gahhhhh!
  6. What if the Germans and Japanese won? Would they have built trains and would life be any more different than it is now? Omg, am I the first one to think of this? No, you’re not special.
  7. Ugh, what is that ad even about? Advertisers have stopped trying. One more ad about Covid-19 and Imma lose my shit. For real this time. (Loses shit)
  8. The Last Great American Dynasty is really something huh? Tay Tay knows her shit. Should I dye Teddy key lime green? No, no, you shouldn’t. Ugh, where did the imagination go?
  9. (Minding my own business and is approached by an old friend — ugh, we weren’t even that close, she got married recently which is — goals?) Wait a minute, why wasn’t invited to your wedding!
  10. Do I only watch Aba and Preach to hear Preach’s laugh or do I actually enjoy their content? They make good points sometimes — no? Those jubilee videos are always funny.
  11. Googles: Public Holidays 2021.
  12. Gets a text from boyfriend. Ugh. Its one hour, let me be.
  13. When did people start sending people flowers as a gift? Like did it become a social norm? Why couldn’t it be anything else, I wouldn’t mind getting some tacos or fries in exchange for flowers. Is it just me? Or omg, if someone does the dishes instead of giving you flowers. *Breaths deeply* Oh yeahhh……
  14. I bet at least one person on this train murdered someone out of like insane jealousy and then they dumped the body in the woods or a river or something and now they cannot lived with what they’ve done and they have been punishing themselves. Okay, calm the fuck down.
  15. So… what was Nolan really trying to do with Tenet? Interstellar was… It was a masterpiece.
  16. Millennials were too quick to judge Tik Tok. Oh my god, is this how boomers feel about us, are we… are we becoming boomers? We complain about GenZ way too much, hmmm… Nah, we broke stereotypes, Victoria Secret is basically dead because of us. We can never be boomers.
  18. Whiskey, whiskey with some coke. Should I get drunk tonight? Yes, I need to drown out my thoughts. Yes, lets gets drunk! (Sleeps off before the zoom call happens)
  19. Watches Brown Skin Girl music video by Beyoncé and just need a moment.
  20. Do Progressives hate republicans or moderates more?

To quote a great writer, one of the best of your generation:

“My TV is broken, and I cannot be alone with my thoughts” — Mindy Kaling




Eternal Pessimist | Conspiracy Theory Enthusiast | Snowflake | Annoying Yoga Preacher | Potterhead